CI Leader at HPR&D SaaS, working in CM/CI/CD/DevOps for the last decade or so. Believes in automation and simplicity and open source.
Presentations by Avner Tamir:
DevconTLV Summit Conference, Thursday, June 5, 2014, 17:00
We've started with very simple CI flow that grew over time to a very complex matrix of jobs (~100) and pipelines (~10) on Jenkins.
In this talk I'll describe how we've reduced back our pipeline on Jenkins to be a single pipeline with 10 jobs.
(Very technical talk)
More Speakers at DevconTLV Summit
Mitchell Hashimoto
Founder of @HashiCorp. Creator of Vagrant, Packer, and Serf. -
Javier Ramirez
Founderteowaki.com -
Arthur Viegers
Senior Solutions ArchitectMongoDB -
Johnny Miller
Cassandra Solutions ArchitectDataStax -
Viaceslav Chichkin
Technical Account EngineerEngine Yard -
Tim Messerschmidt
Lead Developer EvangelistPayPal -
Andrew Morgan
Director of Product Management - MySQL HAOracle -
Ian Robinson
EngineerNeo Technology -
Stuart McCaul
EMEA MDBasho -
Martin Schoenert
Co Creator of ArangoDB -
Avi Kivity
CTO, FounderScyllaDB -
Aviran Mordo
Head of EngineeringWix -
Shai Peretz
SVP Platform Engineering & OperationsOutbrain -
Alon Becker
Web OperationseToro -
Itai Hochman
SVP EngineeringOutbrain -
Flavio Percoco
Open Source DeveloperRed Hat -
Itamar Haber
Chief Developers AdvocateRedis Labs -
Daniel Chen
IT and Operations DirectorTaboola -
Asaf Mesika
Senior Big Data DeveloperAkamai -
Eddie Pecker
R&D Group LeaderPerion -
Sagi Adiv
DirectorPerion -
Nader Ganayem
Chief IT ArchitectKenshoo -
Amihay Zer-Kavod
Chief ArchitectNatural Intelligence