Martin Schoenert
Co Creator of ArangoDB
I have been in IT since I studied mathematical structures using computers at the university - a long time ago. Since then I have worked in IT in almost any role, e.g. as programmer, project manager, product owner, responsible for a computing center, etc.
These days I am in the lucky position to do what I enjoy most - working as a software architect. Both consulting clients and for our own NoSQL database - ArangoDB.
Presentations by Martin Schoenert:
DevconTLV Summit Conference, Thursday, June 5, 2014, 16:00
Domain Driven Design is a software development process that focuses on the finding a common language for the involved parties. This language and the resulting models are taken from the domain rather than the technical details of the implementation. The goal is to improve the communication between customers, developers and all other involved groups. Even if Eric Evan's book about this topic was written almost ten years ago, this topic remains important because a lot of projects fail for communication reasons.
Relational databases have their own language and influence the design of software into a direction further away from the Domain: Entities have to be created for the sole purpose of adhering to best practices of relational database. Two kinds of NoSQL databases are changing that: Document stores and graph databases. In a document store you can model a contains relation in a more natural way and thereby express if this entity can exist outside of its surrounding entity. A graph database allows you to model relationships between entities in a straight forward way that can be expressed in the language of the domain.
I want to look at the way a multi model database that combines a document store and a graph database can help you model your problems in a way that is understandable for all parties involved.
More Speakers at DevconTLV Summit
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Founder of @HashiCorp. Creator of Vagrant, Packer, and Serf. -
Javier Ramirez
Founderteowaki.com -
Arthur Viegers
Senior Solutions ArchitectMongoDB -
Johnny Miller
Cassandra Solutions ArchitectDataStax -
Viaceslav Chichkin
Technical Account EngineerEngine Yard -
Tim Messerschmidt
Lead Developer EvangelistPayPal -
Andrew Morgan
Director of Product Management - MySQL HAOracle -
Ian Robinson
EngineerNeo Technology -
Stuart McCaul
EMEA MDBasho -
Avi Kivity
CTO, FounderScyllaDB -
Aviran Mordo
Head of EngineeringWix -
Shai Peretz
SVP Platform Engineering & OperationsOutbrain -
Alon Becker
Web OperationseToro -
Itai Hochman
SVP EngineeringOutbrain -
Flavio Percoco
Open Source DeveloperRed Hat -
Itamar Haber
Chief Developers AdvocateRedis Labs -
Daniel Chen
IT and Operations DirectorTaboola -
Asaf Mesika
Senior Big Data DeveloperAkamai -
Eddie Pecker
R&D Group LeaderPerion -
Sagi Adiv
DirectorPerion -
Nader Ganayem
Chief IT ArchitectKenshoo -
Amihay Zer-Kavod
Chief ArchitectNatural Intelligence -
Avner Tamir
Release/Continuous Delivery ManagerHP Software SaaS