Ian works on research and development for future versions of the Neo4j graph database.
Harbouring a long-held interest in connected data, he was for many years one of the foremost proponents of REST architectures, before turning his focus from the Web's global graph to the realm of graph databases.
As Neo Technology’s Director of Customer Success, he worked extensively with customers to design and develop graph database solutions.
He is a coauthor of 'Graph Databases' and 'REST in Practice' (O'Reilly), and a contributor to 'REST: From Research to Practice' (Springer) and 'Service Design Patterns' (Addison-Wesley).
Presentations by Ian Robinson:
DevconTLV Summit Conference, Thursday, June 5, 2014, 14:15
Today's complex data is not only big, but also variably structured and densely connected. In this session we'll look at how size, structure and connectedness have converged to transform the data landscape.
We'll then go on to look at some of the new opportunities for creating end-user value that have emerged in a world of connected data, illustrated with practical examples drawn from the telecommunications, social media and logistics sectors and implemented using Neo4j, the world's leading graph database.
More Speakers at DevconTLV Summit
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Founder of @HashiCorp. Creator of Vagrant, Packer, and Serf. -
Javier Ramirez
Founderteowaki.com -
Arthur Viegers
Senior Solutions ArchitectMongoDB -
Johnny Miller
Cassandra Solutions ArchitectDataStax -
Viaceslav Chichkin
Technical Account EngineerEngine Yard -
Tim Messerschmidt
Lead Developer EvangelistPayPal -
Andrew Morgan
Director of Product Management - MySQL HAOracle -
Stuart McCaul
EMEA MDBasho -
Martin Schoenert
Co Creator of ArangoDB -
Avi Kivity
CTO, FounderScyllaDB -
Aviran Mordo
Head of EngineeringWix -
Shai Peretz
SVP Platform Engineering & OperationsOutbrain -
Alon Becker
Web OperationseToro -
Itai Hochman
SVP EngineeringOutbrain -
Flavio Percoco
Open Source DeveloperRed Hat -
Itamar Haber
Chief Developers AdvocateRedis Labs -
Daniel Chen
IT and Operations DirectorTaboola -
Asaf Mesika
Senior Big Data DeveloperAkamai -
Eddie Pecker
R&D Group LeaderPerion -
Sagi Adiv
DirectorPerion -
Nader Ganayem
Chief IT ArchitectKenshoo -
Amihay Zer-Kavod
Chief ArchitectNatural Intelligence -
Avner Tamir
Release/Continuous Delivery ManagerHP Software SaaS