Web developer, daydreamer and all around happy person.Interested in all things internet and how it's reshaping our culture and society.
Founder of teowaki.com where we try to make developers happier by helping them share technical information, best practices, gossip and lifehacks with their developer friends.
Presentations by Javier Ramirez:
DevconTLV Summit Conference, Thursday, June 5, 2014, 15:15
At teowaki we have a system for API usage analytics, with Redis as a fast intermediate store and google Bigquery as a big data backend. As a result, we can launch aggregated queries on our traffic/usage data in just a few seconds and we can try and find for usage patterns that wouldn’t be obvious otherwise.
In this session I will talk about how we entered the Big Data world, which alternatives we evaluated, and how we are using Redis and Bigquery to solve our problem.
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Arthur Viegers
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Johnny Miller
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Viaceslav Chichkin
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Tim Messerschmidt
Lead Developer EvangelistPayPal -
Andrew Morgan
Director of Product Management - MySQL HAOracle -
Ian Robinson
EngineerNeo Technology -
Stuart McCaul
EMEA MDBasho -
Martin Schoenert
Co Creator of ArangoDB -
Avi Kivity
CTO, FounderScyllaDB -
Aviran Mordo
Head of EngineeringWix -
Shai Peretz
SVP Platform Engineering & OperationsOutbrain -
Alon Becker
Web OperationseToro -
Itai Hochman
SVP EngineeringOutbrain -
Flavio Percoco
Open Source DeveloperRed Hat -
Itamar Haber
Chief Developers AdvocateRedis Labs -
Daniel Chen
IT and Operations DirectorTaboola -
Asaf Mesika
Senior Big Data DeveloperAkamai -
Eddie Pecker
R&D Group LeaderPerion -
Sagi Adiv
DirectorPerion -
Nader Ganayem
Chief IT ArchitectKenshoo -
Amihay Zer-Kavod
Chief ArchitectNatural Intelligence -
Avner Tamir
Release/Continuous Delivery ManagerHP Software SaaS