Asaf  Mesika

Asaf Mesika

Senior Big Data Developer


An experienced software engineer, Technion graduate, specializing in building Java Applications based on Open Source products, with a keen interest and experience in the field of Big Data Analytics. Founder of the Israeli Java User Group called Botzia (הבוציה), founded at December 2010.

הרצאות מפי Asaf Mesika:

  • DevconTLV Summit Conference, Thursday, June 5, 2014, 16:30

    Building your own Big Data Query Engine is not something you normally wish to develop, but at Akamai Israel we had no choice. This talk will uncover our story of building a Query Engine which supersedes the leading industry products - Facebook's Presto, Apache Drill, Cloudera Impala, Salesforce's Phoenix - but also falls short of them in several areas.
    As a participant, you will get to understand (as time permits):
    * What is the difference between a query engine and the M/R alternatives?
    * Why do I need a big data query engine?
    * What are the existing open source query engines - the pros and cons?
    * Briefly how a Query Engine works under the hood?

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